Monday, 2 March 2020

WEEK 2 activity - Adobe capture and Infographics

In our groups we were given tables of data for different things. This involved types of food, ranges of disciplines, ranges of transport etc. Within my group we were each selected a table of data and the task was to think of 3 words that come to mind when you think of the words supporting your statistics.
3 words : Futuristic, Sustainability, Creative
Then once you get 3 words describing this we search for images representing these words.
Creative image

Futuristic image

Sustainability image

Then on our phone i downloaded the app abode capture so i could create a "swatch' colour scheme. In doing this it gives us a platform to start on when deciding what colours to choose when making our infographic.

From those 3 colour schemes i liked the Futuristic swatch the best. The dark pink contrast to violet was a attracting concept for my infographic. For the infographic we were given the choice of a range (Mosaic, spider, pie chart). I went with to really show the blend of colours.

After showing this to my teacher, he gave me some advice and said that my colours were a little dark and not very bright for the viewers. He suggested I experiment with other colours from my other chosen photos using the adobe capture.

Using the eye drop tool of Illustrator i was able to use the exact colours from other chosen photo from the activity. I was more pleased with these colours and was thankful Russell and Daniel advised me to change. 

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